Let Your Voice Be Heard! Check out dates and details of these issues Alaska Outdoor Alliance is tracking.
SCORP. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) must be revised before the end of this year. It will drive outdoor recreation direction and investment for the next five years. Learn all about it tomorrow, Wednesday from Noon - 1 p.m. during an AOA's Lunch & Learn with National Park Service Planner Mike Downs. Click to register for this session of vital interest to outdoor recreation stakeholders throughout the state.
Mendenhall Glacier. The public comment period closes this week, for the US Forest Service Mendenhall Glacier visitor facility improvement plan. An overview of the project is described in the Federal Register. Project details can be found here online. Specific comments should be sent via email to comments-alaska-tongass-juneau@usda.gov with “MGRA Project” in the subject line. Don't procrastinate any longer! Deadline for public comment is this Friday, Jan. 15.
FLAP. Highway Administration welcomes Federal Lands Access grant Applications through March 26 .The Project Application Period for Federal Lands Access Projects (FLAP) is now open through March 26. While non-profit organizations may not apply for projects, there are opportunities for local governments, including tribal entities to apply. There are potential opportunities for trail and trail related facilities. More information about the program and project eligibility can be found here. A free webinar about the program will be held Jan. 28 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. Registration is not necessary – anyone can join. To participate: Click on https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/akflap2019/ Select the option for “Enter as a Guest,” type your name in the box provided; click the button “Enter Room.” To call in by phone, dial 888-273-3658 and enter participant code: 6414784
Alaska Outdoor Week Virtual Fly In March 1 - 5 AOA is making plans for its 4th Annual Alaska Outdoor Week Fly-In, our annual effort to educate legislators about the importance of the outdoor recreation economy and stakeholder priorities. From March 1 - 5, we plan to have virtual hearings with House and Senate Transportation and Natural Resources committees, virtual deskside visits, a legislative Lunch & Learn and more. Main themes include: making Alaska more bike and walk-friendly, winter recreation needs, and state investment in outdoor recreation infrastructure. To get up to speed on Active Transportation priorities of statewide interest, click to join the Zoom conversation this Thursday, Jan. 14, from Noon - 1.
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