A 2-question, 5-minute survey seeks a diversity of industry perspectives

What are the key challenges, solutions and opportunities for the future of Alaska’s outdoor recreation sector? Take 5 minutes to answer a super simple survey aimed at gaining insights a statewide advisory group can consider as Alaska Department of Parks and Outdoor Recreation revises the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The plan will be used to set practical, actionable priorities that will guide investment in state and local recreation infrastructure for the next five years. This survey isn’t aimed at the nuts and bolts of what and where projects are desired, that work is being done by regional SCORP facilitators. What we're trying to glean from this survey is the high-level views on how to strengthen the outdoor recreation sector. Here’s some food for thought to consider as you plan your reply.
- What changes to process could improve your experience applying for Recreational Trails Program (RTP) and/or Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants
- Think about how and where the state should focus efforts to ensure equal opportunity, equity and inclusiveness for all Alaskans
- How best should the state prioritize maintaining and building new outdoor recreation infrastructure: trails, public use cabins, boat launches, winter trails, playgrounds, campgrounds, ice rinks, etc.
- What data, studies or stories do you think could improve the political climate in favor of more investment in outdoor recreation development
- What’s needed to make it easier to plan, find and visit outdoor facilities
- For businesses and event organizers, what recommendations do you have to make permitting processes more business-friendly
- Any outdoor for profit or non-profit: How easy or hard is to find employees; what skill gaps need to be filled
- What are your ideas on how best to integrate culture, history, outdoor facilities and education
- Do you think the state has adequate funding for capital projects and staffing to meet the next five years of growth of the outdoor recreation sector and where should
Please submit your responses by June 30. Here again is that link to the survey.
Find the SCORP project overview, timeline, and to get connected to your regional facilitator here.