With more than 80 attendees, time was spent in small groups getting to know one another

From left, Estelle Thomson, Grants and Development - Village of Paimiut; Brooke Leslie, Spruce Root Economic Development Catalyst; Amanda Pope, Indigenous Sentinel Network, Maija Lukin, NPS Tribal Liaison

From left: Bryant Wright, R & M Consultants; Jeff Samuels, Alaska Travel Industry Association; Ben Hughey, Sitka Trail Works, Mariyam Medovaya, Alaska Trails, Jessie Doherty, Alaska Department of Health; Lee Hart, Alaska Outdoor Alliance/Confluence founder.

With more than 80 attendees, time was spent in small groups getting to know one another
From Confluence Summit 2023
Senator Lisa Murkowski Welcome Remarks (4 min)
REI Co-Op Path Ahead Ventures (PAV) Navigator program.
Full spectrum support for startups owned and/or led by BIPOC entrepreneurs.
REI PAV Embark program: Accepting applications for a new cohort of early stage BIPOC outdoor product and service provider entrepreneurs interested in free and invaluable technical support . Deadline to apply is Oct. 8.
Video short: REI Path Ahead Ventures (PAV) Overview
Video short: REI PAV Success Story - Itacate Foods
Video short: REI PAV Success Story - allmansright
Regenerative Thought Leadership Videos & Links
Sealaska CEO Anthony Mallott explains regenerative tourism
Cordova Chamber of Commerce Executive Director explains regenerative tourism strategic plan
Cordova regenerative destination tourism strategic plan
Yukon's Sustainable Travel Observatory Update
Yukon's Rugged Apprentices pilot program trailer
Other Resources
Conference Summary One-Pager
Post-event survey link (please provide your input)
AK Statewide Outdoor Recreation Comprehensive Plan
Sitka Walk Bike Win flyer
The Land and Peoples Relationship Model
Attendee list (restricted)